With the development of the Internet and its introduction into widespread use, many freelancers - "free artists" have appeared. These are people who perform work without concluding a long-term contract with their employer. They are hired to perform certain types of work.

Previously, they were also called freelancers, but now the term “freelancer” is common. It can be translators, copywriters, graphic designers, website builders and many more of a wide variety of specialists. Everyone has one thing in common: a free schedule.
Myth 1. A freelancer works when he wants
Firstly, when a freelancer takes an order, a very specific time is set for him, and it lasts from several days to several hours. And if the contractor, seemingly calculating his time thoroughly, finds himself in force majeure (they turned off the Internet, electricity, had to urgently leave), then he may not fulfill the order on time, and his place in the rating will go down, and on some exchanges also penalty points will be awarded.
Myth 2. You can work even on vacation
Vacation is called a vacation because the employee is released from work so that he can be distracted from his duties, gain new strength, impressions, so that his head can rest from summaries, figures, reports, so that he can just sleep off the whole year. When he decides to work on vacation, the whole vacation will go to waste. If you have a laptop or tablet computer with you, it's great: chat with friends on social networks or play your favorite computer games. Better not to go online at all. Let your eyes rest from the screen, from the eternal flashing of pages in search of the necessary information. Most importantly, the brain must rest.
Myth 3. You can rest like others
Unfortunately, one of the main problems of a freelancer is the separation of work and rest. More precisely, just inseparability. After all, he has to be at home all the time, near the computer, which means that rest at home turns out to be absurd. You have to look for another place to rest, because your favorite sofa, computer, easy chair evoke a strong association with work performed under the same conditions.
A freelancer should always be in touch and ready, because the customer can send a task at any time and no matter where you are - with friends in the evening in a restaurant or relaxing on the beach abroad. True, more and more often there are such performers who negotiate in advance their terms of work on the exchange and set certain hours for customers.
Myth 4. You can spend much more time with family and friends.
Another common misconception. Yes, you seem to be at home, but you are also at work. That is, sitting at a computer and talking over your shoulder with your husband or answering children's questions is not at all what it is right to call full-fledged communication. You can set aside a whole day for relaxation to spend it with your family, but, as a rule, you will have to pay for this on a sleepless night or missed deadlines.
Therefore, a real freelancer is a much more organized person than an ordinary subordinate. If the order needs to be completed for a specific time, then few people will be concerned about the question of whether you had a rest today or not yet. Therefore, a freelancer in one person is a subordinate and a boss. Consequently, it will only depend on his organization and discipline whether he can earn money lying on the couch.
It doesn't matter for what reason people become freelancers: women go on maternity leave and get used to working "without bosses", men do not want to work from call to call, someone does not like a rigid daily routine, etc. Now, in order to successfully work at home and earn good money, you will have to develop iron self-discipline and become a formidable boss for yourself.