Business communication involves the ability to negotiate, understand the interests of a partner and, at the same time, achieve favorable conditions for oneself. What are the rules for successful negotiations?

Step 1
Make contact. The first important step at the stage of getting to know your partner is the ability to present yourself correctly. Further communication depends on how you show yourself when you meet - strict or cheerful, categorical or courteous. Based on the first phrases spoken, the interlocutor chooses the tactics of his behavior and the degree of openness in negotiations. Greet affably, addressing by name, patronymic, while looking your partner in the eyes.
Step 2
Find out enough information about the partner. To choose a communication strategy, find out its goals and interests, principles of work and individual characteristics. Some of the information can be obtained in advance by learning the opinions of third parties, but it is much more important to hear the partner's personal answers.
Step 3
Communicate with your partner "on the same wavelength". Create a trusting atmosphere and emphasize the similarity of your views or positions. The point of negotiations is feedback - the reaction that you get during the conversation. It is necessary for yourself to note how the interlocutor perceives you and how correctly he understands. Psychologists advise using the "language" and communication strategy of your partner in the most significant parts of the negotiations.
Step 4
When discussing a problem, strive for agreement. State the main goals - the subject of negotiations, clarify the details and present a convincing argument. In the process of communication, do not use flattery and pretense. Conduct the conversation to the point, without unnecessary digressions and ask for the opinion of the interlocutor.
Step 5
When disagreeing, use the examples of similar situations and the arguments of authority figures. Do not show your irritation when you misunderstand and do not impose your point of view.
Use objective and verified information, trying to highlight the interests of both parties. In case of controversial issues, it is important to be able to convince a partner with the help of facts, to give the opportunity to independently make the decision you need.
Step 6
Don't negotiate for a long time. If you have not come to a mutual compromise, then reschedule the meeting for another day. At the end of the discussion, clarify the terms of your agreements and whether there are any unresolved issues.
Build a good impression of yourself when you say goodbye. Be as welcoming as you were at the beginning of the conversation and express your wishes for further cooperation.